What is Three Point Lighting Technique?

Three Point Lighting Technique? 

What is Three Point Lighting Technique? 

3 Source of lights are used
1) Key Light (Main Light/ Source Light)
2) Fill Light (Fill in the Black area)
3) Back Light

What is the Feature of Key Light?
a) The intensity of the Key Light is always more or larger then other sources.
b) Key Light illuminates the maximum portion of the subject.
c) Key Light is placed either at right or left hand side of the camera at 45 to 90 degree angle.

What is the Feature of Fill Light?
a) Fill Light is the second source that illuminates the dark or shadow area of the subject that created by the Key Light. (Fill in the Black area)
b) Fill Light is placed at the opposite side of the Key Light.
c) The intensity of the Fill Light should be always less then the Key Light.
d) The difference between the intensity of Key Light & Fill Light is known as ratio of lighting.
(1:3 is very popular ratio)

What is the Feature of Back Light?
a) Back Light is the third source that illuminates the backside of the subject.
b) Usually Back Light is placed at the back of the subject at a higher level so that we can avoid the unwanted  light that falls on the lens.
c) The intensity of the Back Light should be half of the Key Light.
d) If the intensity of Back Light is increased to the same level of Key Light or even more then that "It is called KICK Light or RIM Light".

What is the uses of Back Light?
a) Back Light creates Depth or Separation between the Background and the subject.
b) Back Light creates a sharp outline of the subject.
c) Back Light makes the subject more glamorous and attractive to look at.

Properties of light-
Visibe & Invisible rays

Quality of Light
a) Hard Light (Hard Shado)
b) Soft Light (Soft Shado/ No Shado)

The Intensity of light is measured by Light Miter, It's also called Exposer meter.
The Ratio of Lighting-
 The Equation is

(Key Light+Fill Light) ÷ Fill Light = Ratio of Light

(120fc+60fc) ÷ 60fc= 160/40

(fc= Foot Candle)
1 Foot Candle=10.76 lux

Md. Anamul Hasan Kawsar,
Jagannath University, Dhaka. 

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