Eukaryotes are a combination of Bacteria and Archaea

Eukaryotes are a combination of Bacteria and Archaea

Eukaryotes are a combination of Bacteria and Archaea

Do you know, how Eukaryotes are a combination of attributes of Bacteria and Archaea? Here is the answer -

The exact origin if eukaryotic cell is a genetic chimera. Eukaryotic cell is made up of genes from both Bacteria and Archaea. There is a strong support for the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts from Bacteria and the transfer of certain genes from these endosymbionts to the cell nucleus.

Eukaryotic cells have some other features resembling Bacteria, such as their ester-linked membrane lipids and others with Archaea such as, molecular features of transcription and translation. 

In addition, Bacteria and Archaea share some molecular properties to the exclusion of Eukarya. 

Features those are common in Archaea and Eukarya:

1) Presence of histones.
2) Multiple chromosomal origins.
3) DNA polymerase is a major replicative enzyme. 
4) Presence of TATA BOX in promoter.
5) Multiple transcription factors are needed. 

These features suggest that endosymbiosis and gene transfer may have played an important role in the origins of Eukaryotes.

Eukaryotes are a combination of Bacteria and Archaea
Written By
Sadia Akhtar
Student of Department of Microbiology
Jagannath University.

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