Baker's Yeast and Sausage Fermentation

Baker's Yeast and Sausage Fermentation

Baker's Yeast Fermentation

Baker's Yeast is a leavening agent in baking industry.

History of Baker's Yeast Fermentation:
In the days of Jew, Egyptian, Roman and Greek, leavened bread was made by mixing some leftover dough for the previous batch of the bread with fresh dough.

In middle age, excess yeast from brewing and wine making industries was used for the preparation of dough.
Modern baking process in baking industry, uses pure culture of selected yeast strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with dough to bring desired changes in texture and flavour of the bread or other bakery foods.

Desirable characteristics of the yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Baker's Yeast Fermentation:

a) able to ferment sugar in the dough.
b) able to grow rapidly.
c) relatively stable.

Manufacturing of Baker's Yeast:

1. In manufacture of Baker's Yeast, the stock culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is inoculated into a medium which contain molasses and other nutrients.
2. The medium is adjusted to an acidic pH 4-5 which helps to retard bacterial growth.
3. The  inoculated medium is aerated during incubation period at the temperature of 30℃.
4. At the end of incubation,  the yeast cells are harvested by centrifugation and washed by suspending the cells in water and then centrifuge again.

Figure- Steps involved in the production of Baker's Yeast; Sadia Akhtar, JnU

Sausage Fermentation
The manufacture of sausage began over two thousand years ago and it is still an growing industry.
In sausage fermentation, the meat are cured or salted and principal commercial starter culture are lactic acid bacteria and nitrate reducing bacteria.

Microorganisms used for Sausage Fermentation:
Yeasts - responsible for flavour
 Debaromyces hansenii
 Candida famata

Bacteria - responsible for lactic acid production
Lactobacillus plantarum
Pediococcus acidilactica

Bacteria - responsible for colour and flavour
Micrococcus spp.
Staphylococcus xylosus
Pediococcus cerevisiae

Requirements of Sausage Fermentation:
Selected strains of microorganisms and
Minched meat of beef, mutton, chicken.

Minched meat is mixed with microorganisms.

Procedures of Sausage Fermentation:
a) Sausage fermentation is conducted at the temperature ranging from 15℃ to 40℃ depending on the starter culture.
b) Sausage fermentation is carried out for 20-50 hours.
c) Sausage fermentation is a slow drying process which causes acid production.
d)  Acid production decreases the pH below 5.2 which causes the coagulation of meat protein.
This helps moisture expulsion and development of the desired texture and flavour.
Low pH reduces the contamination of other microorganisms and contributes in safety and stability.

Moisture content is reduced further by storage at low temperature of 7 - 15℃ and at low humidity ( 65-85%).

"Baker's Yeast and Sausage Fermentation"
Written By
Sadia Akhtar
Student of Department of Microbiology
Jagannath University.

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