Pharmaceutical product: Immunosera

Pharmaceutical product: Immunosera

Pharmaceutical product: Immunosera

Immunosera are the preparations derived from the blood of animals.
They don’t have bacteria or any toxin, containing antibodies formed in another animal.
They provide immunity immediately to whom immunoserum is given, but the immunity lasts for a short time.

Preparation of Immunosera:

To prepare an Immunoserum -
a) a horse is injected with a sequence of spaced doses of an antigen.
b) this step continues until a trial blood sample shows an induction of a high - titre of antibody to the injected antigen.
c) a large volume of blood is removed and collected in a vessel containing sufficient citrate solution to prevent blood clotting.
d) the blood cells are allowed to settle and the supernatant plasma is drwan off.
e) the plasma is then fractioned by the addition of ammonium sulfate and the globulin fraction is recovered and treated with pepsin to yield a refined immunoserum.
f) the refined immunoserum is titrated for the potency of its antibody content, diluted to required concentration and transferred into ampoules.

Quality of Immunosera and potency tests:

Quality of the immunosera is controlled by potency tests and by conventional tests for safety and sterility.
The potency is estimated by comparing the amount of an immunoserum that is required to neutralize an effect of an homologous antigen with the amount of a standard preparation required to achieve the same effect.

  Immunosera used in the prevention of infections in human:
Potency assay method
Potency requirements
Botulinum  antitoxin
Neutralization of the lethal effects of Botulinum toxins A, B, E in mice
500 IU per ml for A and B
50 IU per ml for E
Diptheria antitoxin
Neutralization of the erythrogenic effects of Diptheria toxins in guinea pigs
1000 IU per ml for the preparation in horse.
500 IU per ml for the preparation in other animals
Tetanus antitoxin
Neutralization of the paralytic effects of   Tetanus toxins in mice
1000 IU per ml for prophylaxis
3000 IU per ml for treatment

The Daily Youth- Presents
Pharmaceutical product: Immunosera
Written By
Sadia Akhtar
Student of Department of Microbiology
Jagannath University.

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